Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Wednesday Blues werent as blue anymore !!! again another day full of all sorts of miserable humour. The teacher was late so i began taking in the class n my fellow mates....

The Iranis astonishingly now consider me as one of their own kind (dunno why) and are pretty concerned about me, which honestly scares me. Next time they ask if I was having any problem here , I would start digging in my bag or hide under the table. Hell, they not only smile at me most generously but also laugh at my jokes, which is more than what I could take from some handsome men least interested romantically in me.

Norhim, like always is too random in saying '' Hi '' even. Today also he said hi to my non existential, but somehow for Norhim present hubby. Then started talking to Sami aboout Akon, the way they both resembled by skin color n sexuality and yet had so different voices. I just hope momentary insanity doesnt take him over and he ends up researching that.

Chou like always choouuu na na choouu na na na, delivered an important message from the teacher which comprised of the fact that this lecture was going to be an important lecture ....DUH!!!

The kids of class (dumbest, ever eating ones) are sitting baffled. one saying to other  ''The words are okay..the mind is not''. OH YES IT AINT !!!.....I think she means to say she didnt get the concept. Their conversation, only when their mouths are free from chewing, goes like this...Can, one says...Can't, the other one says, Can  the first one insists, Cant the other one persists and it goes on and on till theres tea break. One of them is having a fling with this other gal, too much makeup and a neck permanently tilted to an angle where maybe she can see her own breasts if she decides to look down. Apparently it feels she thinks she looks hot wearing her neck n hair like this. My opinion??? She'd look hotter if she wasnt wearing her HEAD at all.

Cant see Safia today. The most obnoxious one. In her presence I feel if I had a downfall, I wont land on rock bottom, I will land on HER.

In the first row, Kavitaa.......
She has taken this animosity towards me which is reserved only for potential competitors. WTH woman, Im DUMB...

Oh My, The only two handsome guys in the class are also not present...Shucks!!! One I know will be hanging out with his girlfriend, the other with the girlfriend of his girlfriend.....Who said life was fair??? <sighs>

Having a  short session on reaserch, concluding early and  heading my way back  home through the dark jungle at 10 p.m, the man s silhouette in front of me is creating all sorts of hellucinations. This, I think cant be happening, cant be true. Its so unreal. Me here all alone with kids.... Who left me and who did I leave behind. How can a person be left behind and still leaving the other person??? But departures are bad, they make everything possible. I rub my eyes, still cant see who is the one walking in front of me , just shadows....shadows oh shadows....y do u never uncover it all at once, ages since you  have been giving way to just other shadows....

As the only upcoming car's headlights approach, I hear humming to my right...''OMG, u scared me ....thought u were just a vision!"..I said to my Irani neighbor walking past me n hurried inside the gates....................


  1. Blue, great to see you writing =]
    Very effortlessly written I think :D

    And I'm sorry, cause I did notice you saying that this blog wasn't for friends, but I couldn't resist...
